The in|sure PSLife partnership forum was held for the third time on March 16 and 17, 2017. Users from the life insurance industry met with adesso insurance solutions GmbH product managers in Cologne to discuss the further development of in|sure PSLife and their ongoing cooperation.
After a short summary of the activities since the last event, the first day was dedicated to joint mandatory planning for the 2017 releases, with a focus on the new legal requirements.
German life insurance companies will be faced with three major changes in this regard: the reform of the investment tax law (InvStG 2018), the PRIIP KID regulation ("The Regulation on Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products ") and the Occupational Pensions Strengthening Act. These legal changes will take effect at the beginning of 2018, which means that the necessary coordination and measures must be taken well in advance. On the basis of the expert assessments, a consensus was reached to develop a joint strategy for implementing the requirements in a working group.

In addition to the legal changes for life insurers, the continued technical and professional development of PSLife was also an important issue. Taking into account their respective priorities and annual plans, the participants coordinated their efforts and quickly found a common denominator in this area too, in order to continue their productive cooperation in 2017.
The day's program ended with a question and answer session on the progress of the cooperation since the last event. The day ended in a relaxed atmosphere, with an evening of discussions and good food in a Cologne brewery.
The second day started with a keynote speech, entitled "The Agile PSLife Project," in which a life insurer reported on the experiences gained from an agile introduction project. The rest of the morning was dedicated to ideas and projects for the continued development of PSLife beginning in 2018. Users as well as product managers discussed various future approaches and strategies, so that everyone can look forward to the coming years.
But the future of in|sure PSLife was not the only topic discussed at the partnership forum. There was also a professional exchange between product managers and customers who have been using in|sure partners productively. Information on legal changes, experiences in cooperation and the continued development of the product were also discussed